I can't keep my hands from the cookie jar

I will never stop hurting you
I promise you

never again will I stop telling you
that you are a disaster
what ever you touch turns in to misstakes

whenever I belive things are better
you show your ugly face once again
and i try to run as far away

I have always tried to run from you
trying to escape the fear of not being good enough
not being tough enough
trying to escape the demon that paralyzes me
that makes me in to nothing

until that day i woke up and realized
i was the monster inside of me
I was the demon that makes me
do all the wrong things
that makes me feel like a fraud

all I want is to feel safe
inside of me a war is going on
it never sleeps
sometimes I can pretend
thats everything is okej
that I'm fine

(and sometimes it almost feels true, especially
when I'm in your arms..)

Feels like there are two versions of me..
always arguing about who is right.
makes me into nothing.
makes me feel worthless


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